Apartment 2 Haus Bauer Apartment 2
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Apartment 2

Haus Bauer Apartment 2Haus Bauer Apartment 2

75m² for 4-6 persons with 2 bedrooms with shower/toilet, each for 2 or 3 people, a comfortable kitchen with dishwasher, an anteroom and a living room with a sleeper sofa.

Haus Bauer • Maria Bauer • Zankwarn 84 • 5571 Mariapfarr • Salzburger Lungau
T: +43 (0) 664 75020145bauer.maria (at) sbg.atwww.haus-bauer.at
Registrierungsnummer gemäß § 9 Abs. 5 Salzburger Nächtigungsabgabengesetz: 50503-003084-2020
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